Doctor Resources

This Doctors Day, don't just thank physicians. Help improve their lives with resources on personal finance and tools to prevent burnout and support their mental health.

Financial Resources for Doctors

Doctors can access a range of tailored financial planning resources from the AMA, covering education funding, practice growth, and retirement planning, by visiting their website.

In addition to this resource, The White Coat Investor offers personalized finance and investment advice for doctors. 

For those seeking a more comprehensive and expert guide to creating a successful financial plan and navigating the market, the book Comprehensive Financial Planning Strategies for Doctors and Advisors: Best Practices from Leading Consultants and Certified Medical Planners is an excellent resource to reference.

Treating Physician Burnout

Physician burnout is a growing concern, affecting doctors at all career stages. Dr. Kim Templeton at the University of Kansas School of Medicine and Health System researches burnout and its impact on minority groups, including women, older physicians, underrepresented minorities, and LGBTQ+ physicians. The AMA is taking action to reduce inbox burden through research, a national conference, and a reduction checklist. Burnout has risen due to the pandemic and the lack of software for medical practices. The AMA is addressing these two key factors to combat burnout.

Mental Health for Doctors

As doctors face increasing pressure on their mental health, there are campaigns and initiatives to provide support. The Dr. Lorna Breen Health Care Provider Protection Act offers grants for mental health resources, and the Physician Support Line (888-409-0141) provides free, confidential support from peer physicians. To manage stress, try coping strategies like getting enough rest, healthy eating, and staying active. Limiting screen time and monitoring symptoms are important. AMA members can also access a free 2-year subscription to Headspace, a mindfulness app to help improve their mental health.