All About Doctors Day

National Doctors Day is celebrated in America on March 30th to honor the dedication and compassion displayed daily by more than one million physicians to patients needing professional healthcare.

Doctors are the heart of the American healthcare system and play an essential role in improving people’s lives. In 2022, doctors provided care to over 1 billion patients, highlighting their significant impact on society. Because of the ongoing physician shortage and the heavy demands the healthcare system places on them, doctors work on average about 60 hours each week.

If any professional class has earned a day of recognition, it is certainly America’s doctors. Without their tireless efforts and fortitude, our country would be much worse for the wear. offers resources and tools to assist healthcare staffing agencies in celebrating and recognizing doctors. Join us in honoring the dedicated physicians who improve our lives this National Doctors Day, and utilize our marketing toolkit to facilitate your company’s marketing outreach to doctors and the healthcare industry.

A Brief History of Doctors Day

The origin of National Doctors Day dates back 90 years to Winder, Georgia. In 1933, Eudora Brown Almond, the wife of a family medicine physician, had an epiphany – she realized that doctors deserved special recognition in American society for their extraordinary, life-saving work.

Almond urged her fellow citizens to send greeting cards to their physicians and lay flowers on the graves of late physicians. March 30th was chosen as the day of observance for National Doctors Day to commemorate the first use of anesthesia during surgery in 1842 by local physician Dr. Crawford Long.

In 1958, National Doctors Day was approved by Congress after gaining traction within the medical community over the previous two decades. In 1990, the signature of President George H.W. Bush on March 30 designated National Doctors Day, an official day of recognition by the US government. Now the contributions of doctors are celebrated all across the country and even all over the world by employers, co-workers, and patients of physicians.

Since the founding of National Doctors Day, traditions have evolved from greeting cards to the use of social media. Healthcare facilities and physician staffing agencies typically showcase their appreciation for doctors in digital and print marketing campaigns.

The medical field has changed vastly from the first celebration of National Doctors Day. An increasing number of women are pursuing careers in medicine, and there is a greater representation of diversity among physicians and a wider range of specialties attracting more medical students. There is also a 45% increase among physicians 55 and older continuing to work.

While the epidemic of burnout that plagues doctors has only exacerbated the acute physician shortage that predated the pandemic, good news is on the horizon. By 2034, the ranks of physicians are projected to grow by 124,000. More doctors are needed, but this is undoubtedly a good start.

Despite the changes in the medical community, the unwavering dedication of doctors remains constant. Many doctors attribute their relationships with patients to be the most rewarding part of their job, as they are entrusted to hold other human beings’ lives in their hands literally. As we navigate the ever-changing healthcare landscape, let’s use National Doctors Day to let doctors know we see them, we appreciate them, and we support them.

Facts & Stats about Doctors

Here are some interesting facts and statistics about doctors in the United States that you might not know.

There are more than 1 million doctors licensed in the U.S.

The average age of a doctor is 53

A doctor has an average of 40,000 hours of training.

9 in 10 doctors say they are satisfied with their career choice.

54% of all doctors are women, while 46% are men.

In 2023, the median base salary for full-time doctors was $208,582

About 52,000 doctors work as locum tenens physicians across the U.S.

Doctors typically see 20-30 patients a day.

39,205 U.S. medical school students graduated in 2022. 

Top US States for Active Physicians (2021)

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Distribution of Physicians by Specialities


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